
今年度は、昨年オンラインで実施したEffective Academic Writingをベースにしつつ、論文内の各セクション(Introduction and Methods, Results and Discussions, Titles and Abstracts)について掘り下げて講義します。






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実施要領 【日時】令和4年10月15日(土) 9:00 – 17:00

【講師】Jeffrey Robens 博士(ネイチャー・リサーチ)
【内容】英語論文執筆セミナー “Getting Published Workshops”



講義内容 AM

Effective Academic Writing(9:00 – 10:30)

This section will emphasize how to clearly communicate your ideas in research articles by discussing how to implement effective strategies — related to brevity, ambiguity, and logical flow — in writing. We then review strategies to improve readability to ensure that complex scientific ideas are more easily understood and accessible worldwide


Preparing Figures(10:45 – 12:00)

This section discusses the challenges in presenting complex data to readers and the importance of figures and tables to achieve this. We will review how to determine which graph is most appropriate for your data, how to create logical tables, and how to process images in an appropriate manner.


昼休憩(12:00 – 13:00) ※各自で昼食


Introduction and Methods (13:00 – 14:30)

This section discusses the importance of the Introduction to clarify why the study needs to be done for the field. We then review writing the methodology of the study to validate the study design and ensure the findings can be reproducible.


Results and Discussions (14:45 – 16:00)

This section reviews the final two sections of the main text in the manuscript. We first review how to guide your readers through the important patterns in trends amongst your data in your Results section. We then discuss how to synthesize your results with previously published work to emphasize their value to the field.


Titles and Abstracts (16:00 – 16:50)

This section begins with how to write a title that will catch the reader’s attention when they are looking for articles online. We then discuss the importance of keywords and strategies for choosing ones that will increase your discoverability. Finally, we discuss strategies for writing an impressive abstract to improve your impact and influence in the field.


Q&Aセッション (16:50 – 17:00)

対 象 本学教職員、研究員、大学院生


